Tuesday, 14 August 2012

A Virtual Marketing World: Search Engine Marketing

A Virtual Marketing World: Search Engine Marketing

Author: erankings

With advances in technology in computer science, businesses of all sectors have been able to use modern techniques to set up their business on an international level. The internet has opened up many options for businesses such as being able to sell their products online, online banking, signing business deals, sharing video and audio, playing online games, booking, ordering different products and much more. These days online services have started narrowing down the needs and requirements of people. Customers are showing much more interest in products which are displayed online. However online shopping is not the limit, the marketing of online business is also important, you need to make sure customers check your website on a regular basis, increasing the visibility of the website along with increasing the traffic. The more traffic visits a website, the more potential customers there are for the business.

Search engine marketing is a mode of marketing a business profile online or advertising the website. In simple words online marketing means advertising online business profiles in the first few pages of the search engine results. Search engine marketing is done through a process which is called search engine optimization. Now-a-days large businesses as well as small businesses are all marketing their business online. This is happening throughout the world. For example the search engine marketing service in Toronto is providing all the services, solutions and maintenance needed for website marketing.

The SEM in Toronto provides various solutions to online marketing, such as the hosting of a website on a main server, advertising of a business profile, solving errors on the website and various other services like web development. The re-designing of a website includes creating a content management system (CMS), a product management system (PMS), a logo (the branding of a company), newsletters, chat services, the integration of social media (LinkedIn, BlogSpot, Google+, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace), Google analytic (which tells the website owner how many people visited that website), Google maps (gives direction to a particular point). Many websites are created for different business profiles which look not only attractive but also very professional. They are usually very easy to use. The system also provides advertising of business profiles on different search engines through inorganic SEO or organic SEO. This feature is available for websites made by the company and for websites created by others.

What is Search Engine Marketing & Search Engine optimization?

Search Engine Marketing markets a business profile online; it advertises the business online by adding its website to different search engines, thus helping to grow the business internationally. Search Engine Optimization is a process through which the website becomes more prominent and visible to its customers.

The Process of SEO:

Generally, websites which are not visible in the prominent pages of search engines go through the process of SEO. SEO takes a website whose visibility has to be increased; the website might come in the later pages of the search engine. This means that whenever a person is searching for a certain keyword, they will not be able to find that business profile in the first or second page of the search engine. Hence to increase visibility SEO is required for that website.

• SEO is an on-going process which takes 8 to 9 months to complete. It aims to make the business profile visible in prominent pages. First of all keywords are analyzed and compared with other businesses of the same category which come in the first few pages. Analyzing keywords increases traffic for a website. Websites with a lot of keywords are more likely to be visible as people tend to search for different keywords.• After analyzing the keywords, the next important thing to do is to select the most appropriate keywords for the website depending upon what services, product solutions etc. they provide.

When those selected keywords are finalized, they are linked or mega-tagged with the website. This is called organic SEO which is a slow process because all the above steps need to be performed and each month the website is observed to be moving towards the prominent page and soon it acquires a place on the first page. This is called on page optimization. The other method is off page optimization which submits web links into different online directories etc. Inorganic SEO involves the quick indexing of a website to different search engines.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/online-promotion-articles/a-virtual-marketing-world-search-engine-marketing-6120312.html

About the Author

Janine Brito is expert Author for this article. I am a professional writer with interests in web marketing ideas. I specially write about SEM in Toronto.


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