Why we need Secure Voicemail
Author: Kelsey ThorntonPeople would often frown when they are offered secure voicemail services. They would think that this is not a necessity especially since they are not celebrities or people of note. What they don't understand is that everyone can actually be a victim of voicemail hacking.
Aside from this, there are other reasons as to why people should be on guard when it comes to their voicemail accounts. Here are some examples of the various factors as to why people would need some form of secure voicemail service:
More important information is being passed via voicemail:
Previously, voicemail usage would just contain short trivial message with perhaps a request of the person to call back. However, people nowadays would utilize voice mail as a more robust communication tool. They would leave various messages to the person even those that contain important details or confidential information.
Without a secure voicemail, the conversation can be easily compromised. It would not matter that much if these were trivial messages but it would be a big detriment to your company if the intercepted messages actually contain something of substance.
What you must understand is that even if you do not transmit important information, there's nothing stopping your callers from leaving theirs. If your account is the one compromised, then you would still be partly at fault for the information leaking.
Technology has made it easier to hack your voicemail:
People may have noticed that more and more attacks have been made on voicemail accounts than ever before. This is probably because the technology of the digital age has made it easier for everyone, from amateur hobbyist hackers to full on cyber criminals, to attack voicemail accounts.
Nowadays, anyone could just do a query on a search engine and try to find out tools that would enable them to hack voicemail accounts. Aside from the large number of results, another surprising thing is the fact that these hacking tools are quite easy to use even for the novices.
Thus, having no secure voicemail options would make you an easy target for those who are taking their first steps into hacking.
As you can see from the examples above, there are quite a number of benefits for utilizing a secure voicemail service. The great thing is that there are providers who would be willing to offer you this service with great features and only costing you a reasonable price
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/communication-articles/why-we-need-secure-voicemail-6120022.html
About the AuthorKelsey Thornton is an IT support professional for more than 10 years. Aside from being a supervisor for one of the leading Technology companies in the country, she also delves into writing about her views on the various IT related news as well as Voicemail Security. She believes that her experience has given her behind the scene insights on the events that shape the industry.
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