It's The Stupid Economy!
By Michael Hume
Demediacrats On The Economy: It's Stupid!
I'm really sick of all these right-wingers talking about the economy. Aren't you? I mean, when Bill Clinton was running for president, he was all like, "It's the economy, Stupid." That was his subtle, easy-going way of suggesting his opponent, George H.W. Bush, had perhaps failed to sufficiently focus on domestic issues. But that was SO twenty years ago!
Now, when such people as non-leftist reporters (both of them) and the attendees at the recent G-20 summit keep bringing up the economy, they're just trying to distract the president and his Demediacrat cheerleaders from the important things they need to focus on. Like getting re-elected. Like opening the door to blanket amnesty, covering up their gun-running scandal, and mentioning the academic theory of gay marriage. We want to talk about stuff like that! The economy? That's just stupid.
You're unemployed, and your family's lost at least forty percent of its wealth. Or you own a business, it's been two years since you paid yourself, and you're being taxed and regulated into oblivion. The national debt works out to $200,000 for every human in your household, and keeps going up. And you now have to choose between gas and groceries - you can't afford both. So what? Can't you see past your own petty needs, and grasp the bigger picture? Bitter clinger!
The president asked us to hire him, four years ago, promising a bright green future. Green energy. Green jobs. Green (with envy) Republicans. Put it all on green, he hollered! And he's helpfully gambled bazillions of your dollars on every "investment" that could pass itself off as obliquely-supportive of this whole green thing (provided that, in each case, the money ultimately went to bundlers in his party, of course). That might seem stupid to you, since if every alternative energy source could be maxed-out (I'm talking everything - solar panels, wind turbines, hamsters on treadmills, socks on carpet, livestock flatulence, and oil from vegetables, teenagers' faces, and old men's hair), the power harnessed would be enough (maybe) to run the average nephew's gaming console for 17 seconds.
But that's not the point. The point, of course, was to get the money spent! Duh! Until we get all your money spent, we'll never eradicate capitalism. We'll still be stuck in the failed policies of the past, under which nefarious characters could still work harder than you work, and therefore unfairly make more money than you make. Get the concept, and you'll realize the current government has the economy well under control. By which I mean, of course, that they've got YOU, and your mindless vote, under their control.
So stop bringing up the economy! It's a distraction. It's stupid! And if you want to help your government along on its hope-and-change mission, you will be, too. We're totally counting on it.
Michael Hume is a speaker, writer, and consultant specializing in helping people maximize their potential and enjoy inspiring lives. As part of his inspirational leadership mission, he coaches executives and leaders in growing their personal sense of well-being through wealth creation and management, along with personal vitality.
Michael and his wife, Kathryn, divide their time between homes in California and Colorado. They are very proud of their offspring, who grew up to include a homemaker, a rock star, a service talent, and a television expert. Two grandchildren also warm their hearts! Visit Michael's web site at
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