Wednesday 12 September 2012

3 Steps to Reversing Childhood Obesity

3 Steps to Reversing Childhood Obesity

By Bonnie Hershey

Obesity in America has become an epidemic. That's no secret. Greater than 60% of Americans are overweight or obese, including 1 in 3 children.

The number of obese children in America has doubled in the last ten years alone. As a result, the incidence of Type 2 Diabetes is rising quickly among kids--a disease once labeled as an adult-only disease.

Should it surprise us that our children have become innocent victims to the sedentary lifestyle choices and poor nutritional habits of the adults around them?

What's A Parent To Do?

Step 1: Take A Long Hard Look In the Mirror
Reversing childhood obesity is impossible without first changing our own habits as parents. We are our child's biggest role model and teacher for the nutritional choices they make.

Our kids watch what we eat, how we spend our time, what sports we like--and from all of these, they learn what is most important.

Jamie Oliver, chef and food activist, says that, "Food skills are life skills." We have to be teaching our kids how to eat well, how to prepare food, so that they can grow up to live long, fulfilling lives.

So, the first step to helping your child with weight issues, is actually the hardest--to take personal responsibility for any bad habits or wrong thinking about food that they have learned from you.

Own it. Forgive yourself for any responsibility you had in their upbringing--whether due to ignorance or lack of self-discipline.

Commit to change things. Determine to carve a new path for yourself and your family by relearning some healthy eating habits. Seek outside help if you're not sure where to start.

Step 2: Apply Dr. Dungan's 5-2-1-0 Formula
Dr. David Dungan, Internist and Pediatrician, of Lombard, IL recommends the following daily formula to helping kids return to a healthy weight and even prevent childhood obesity issues.

  • At least 5 servings of fruits & vegetables.
  • 2 hours or less of screen time. This includes TV, computer, and video game time.
  • At least 1 hour of physical activity. (i.e. organized sports, biking, swimming, playground time, etc.)
  • Zero sweets and soft drinks.

Again, the only way your kids will follow this formula in your home, is if they see you adopting the same standards. Play with them, eat with them, and refrain from sweets with them.

Step 3: Rule Out Candida Albicans Overgrowth
Candida albicans is a common yeast that can grow out of control in the guts of our kids and can actually perpetuate weight gain issues. It can cause insatiable cravings for sugar and simple carbs.

With the increased use and misuse of prescription antibiotics and steroid treatments, candida can grow and wreak havoc on a child's health. It manifests itself in the form of seemingly unrelated health issues: allergies, eczema, frequent ear infections, digestive problems, etc.

We are seeing candida as a more and more common issue among the kids and families that we work with. It is worth getting this bacterial overgrowth in check and starting with a firm foundation of optimal bacterial balance.

Childhood obesity will not go away without family intervention. Parents cannot sit back, encourage their kids to eat healthier, and be downing a bag of chips. The change must start with us.

To find out more information and receive personalized health coaching for your family, visit our website:

Download our free eBook, "The 6 Great Lies of The American Diet" to take the first step.

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