Why Should You Host Your Web Site With Yahoo Web Hosting
By Russell BlancWhen you start looking for a company to host your business web site, you will find a lot of "budget" web hosts advertising low monthly fees. Like many other situations in life, with web hosting you often get exactly what you pay for. Some budget hosts have good features, service and support, but to be assured of getting the best hosting value, your best choice is Yahoo Small Business Web Hosting.
When shopping for web hosting, price is the last thing you should consider. While Yahoo Small Business does have competitive pricing for its web hosting services, cost is not the primary reason for choosing Yahoo web hosting.
Above all, your business or web site needs reliable web hosting. You count on your web site to represent your business online. You must have a web host you can depend on. Yahoo Small Business web hosting is a part of Yahoo, one of the oldest and most respected Internet companies. When you choose Yahoo web hosting, you're choosing to work with a company you know you can trust.
For business web sites, unlimited hosting is essential. You cannot grow your business if you're worried about exceeding your allotted file storage or, worse, getting "too much" traffic and having your site shut down for using too much bandwidth. Yahoo Small Business offers unlimited file storage, data transfer and email storage. You"ll never have to upgrade your Yahoo web hosting account or find your site suspended for exceeding your bandwidth limits. Because Yahoo Small Business web hosting is designed for growing businesses, you"ll have the room you need to grow your online presence.
One thing many business owners worry about, and rightfully so, is designing and maintaining a great-looking site that really expresses what their business is about. When you sign up with Yahoo Small Business, you can build your Yahoo web site yourself, without hiring a designer, and finish in a fraction of the time and at no added cost.
Yahoo Small Business web hosting offers an excellent online design tool that makes designing your site easy and intuitive. The design tool includes a checklist to help you get going if you've never built a site before. You can choose a professionally designed template, and customize it to fit your needs. Many businesses find templates specially designed for their industry, and only need to plug in their company information to have a site ready to go.
One of the selling points of the budget web hosting sites is low price. Yahoo Small Business is priced affordably and, in fact, offers unlimited web hosting at a lower monthly rate than many so-called "budget" hosts. With Yahoo web hosting, there is no setup fee, and rates start at $8.96 per month for the first three months. In addition to unlimited web hosting and free web design tools, Yahoo Small Business web hosting offers tech support around the clock, backed by the name and reputation of Yahoo.
When you're choosing a web host, you will find that Yahoo Small Business web hosting's service, features and price are more than a match for any other web host.
Learn more about the Yahoo Web Hosting Unlimited plan.
Russell Blanc is an expert in the web hosting industry and Yahoo Small Business and manages an information-rich web site at http://www.Website-HostingCo.com about Yahoo Small Business and Yahoo Web Hosting exposing the features and benefits of Yahoo products.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Russell_Blanc