Saturday 26 January 2013

Are You A Writer - Check Out Which Type You Belong To?

Are You A Writer - Check Out Which Type You Belong To?

By Shruti S Sharda

Are you one of those few people who find it very easy to put down their thoughts on a piece of paper? Can you visualize a scene and know the words that would best describe it? If you are one of these people, then it seems that you have the ability to write. Just knowing a language is not enough to make anyone a writer. Writing requires an ability to put together words in a way that is most effective. This quality is a pre-requisite for anyone interested in becoming a writer. Once you decide to become a writer, it may be at first a bit intimidating to figure out where to start from. One thing that will help you to find out what kind of writing you can do is to know the various types of writers and the kind of work they do. The different types of writers are mentioned below -

* Business writers write for business magazines. This involves writing articles related to the business world. It requires a certain amount of knowledge about the business, which has to be explained to the readers.

* Ghostwriters are those writers who write for somebody else and do not take credit for any of their work. These writers are paid a bit more, but the downside is that they do not have any claim on their work.

* Columnists are one of the most followed types of writers. They usually write articles regularly for a magazine or a newspaper on any particular subject. These people build a following of readers, who anticipate their next article.

* Freelance writers are those writers who write on a variety of topics and choose whatever business that comes their way. These are the most versatile type of writers, as they need to build up their knowledge on a wide variety of topics.

* Journalists are the most widely recognized type of writers there are. The journalists write fact based material that they get via thorough investigations. This kind of writing requires the maximum amount of research.

* An author's work is the most demanding, as he has to build up a whole story and plot from his own imagination. A good author has the ability to not only capture the attention of a reader but also get him hooked on to the book and prevent him from putting it down.

After reading about these types of writers, one can see the different types of writing that presents so many avenues for a rewarding career. The secret to a successful content writer's career is to identify the strong points and concentrate on those areas. Do not try and do everything by yourself. The sooner you identify your niche, the better it will be for you.

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