Wednesday 16 January 2013

Taking Your Life Back: 2013

Taking Your Life Back: 2013

By Shelley M Williams

Another year is coming to an end. As I sit here reflecting on the past year and what 2012 has brought I am able to keep my head up and be positive. I am grateful for the experience and all of the life lessons it brought me. This past year has welcomed it's challenges. I have made quite a few changes in my life and I am still making them.

A short synopsis of this past year for me: my 11 year marriage ended, I lost my job, to assist my budget I moved out of my 2,500 sq ft house into a much smaller townhome. I got engaged, which brought forth issues of family and children getting accustomed to the idea of me being in a new relationship so soon. I began writing my first book which will be a memoir highlighting my life's journey. In addition, I developed my website and blog to assist other mom's and divorcee's in their journey. Through all of this chaos I have managed to mend my relationship with God and my children. Divorce is a hideous process, it brings forth so many emotions from everyone that is involved. Although that life has been diminished, the divorce has also sprung forth a new me with new opportunities that await me. I can see my life with the purpose that I believe God has always wanted for me.

With this new path I have been studying ways to get my life back on track and spend the rest of it on top. From this research I have realized the importance of goal setting. First lesson I have learned is that successful people set goals. They are always striving and working towards their goals. Some set daily goals, other will set monthly or even annual. However, you choose to set your goals I would suggest that you set them high. Your goals are your road-map to success. How often do you go on a trip without that map or satellite assistant? The same applies to your life. Without this road map you will get lost in everyday life and all of the excuses that come with it.


  1. What do you want out of life? Where do you want to go? When you begin setting these goals you need to know what it is your trying to achieve. Sit down and think about your life and what kind of success you want to achieve.
  2. Use that paper-written goals are so important because it is a constant reminder of your obligations to yourself. This paper will hold you accountable. The best things about goals is they are making you be accountable to you.
  3. Assign your goals-set your goals so that they cover all areas of your life physically, emotionally and spiritually. Think about your family, then your career. I am not suggesting that you set high goals that do not have smaller goals with them. What I am suggesting is you think about where you want to be in the 5 years. From there think about what you need to do in the next year to be able to achieve this primary goal in 5. Set daily goals to help you attain that annual goal as well. Goal setting is vital in success.
  4. Keep it positive-for example, maybe your goal is to spend more time with your family. Don't say I'm not going to miss date night with my spouse or my kids. Instead state, "I will spend a night weekly with my spouse and my kids that is centered completely around them." This is an affirmation that is more direct, detailed, and positive.
  5. Challenge yourself-set goals that challenge you. Goals aren't meant to be easy. They are meant to show you what your capable of. You are a person with great skills and the only thing that will hold you back is yourself. Be positive with your goal setting.

Visualize your future, keep your eyes looking forward and into the future. The past is your past and you can't change it. All you can do is push forward and for goodness sake, make something happen in 2013. Below is a list of a few motivational speakers. These are my favorites, but I encourage you to research and find some of your own that you can relate to.

Shelley's faves:

  • Grant Cardone
  • Dave Ramsey
  • Maria Forleo
  • David Siteman Garland (The Rise To The Top)
  • Seth Godin

Shelley Williams

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