Tuesday, 14 August 2012

The Top 10 Best Vampire Book Series

The Top 10 Best Vampire Book Series

Author: Larry Truett

Not too long ago Anne Rice was the queen of vampire fiction with her creation of the legendary Lestat.  However, in the past few years Stephenie Meyer with her Twilight Saga,  Charlaine Harris with True Blood, and other authors with their vampire creations have stormed the best seller charts.  But what are the most popular series with the legions of online vamp lit fans?

The top ten most popular (based on online chatter) vampire book series are:

10. Riley Jensen Guardian by Keri Arthur

9. Anita Blake Vampire Hunter by Laurell K. Hamilton

8. The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice

7. The Morganville Vampires by Rachel Caine

6. Vampire Kisses by Ellen Schreiber

5. The Darren Shan Saga by Darren Shan

4. Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead

3. The House of Night by P. C. Cast and Kristin Cast

2. The Southern Vampire Mysteries / Sookie Stackhouse Novels / True Blood Series by Charlaine Harris

...and the most popular Vampire Lit Series is no surprise...

1. The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer

Not quite making the top ten were Night Huntress by Jeaniene Frost, Vampire Diaries by L.J. Smith, Undead and ... by MaryJanice Davidson, Blue Bloods by Melissa de la Cruz, Vampire Beach by Alex Duval, Night World by L.J. Smith, Nikki and Michael by Keri Arthur, Mackenzie Vampires by Nina Bangs, and Almost Human by Melanie Nowak. The top two series on this list have also been adapted for the screen, with the wildly popular Twilight Saga movies and True Blood television series on HBO.  This can have only helped their dominance in this poll.  While great literature does not need to be adapted for the screen, it will clearly raise awareness of a series and bring in a whole new group of fans.  A Darren Shan motion picture (Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant) will be released in late 2009.  Both House of Night and Vampire Academy films or TV adaptations are almost inevitable, although neither seem to be even close to production.  If the new CW Network TV series based on L. J. Smith's Vampire Diaries is a hit, then those novels are bound to be in the top ten for my next vamp lit poll.  And, finally, it is lovely to see that modern vampire literature icon and pioneer Anne Rice made the list, even if she was not in the top five.  Oddly, only two of Anne Rice's novels (Interview with the Vampire and The Queen of the Damned) were ever turned into feature films.

I compiled this list by searching for each of the vampire book series on a number of search engines and ranking them by the number of web pages, discussion forums, photos, videos, etc that are available online. Read more about vampires at SpookyFiles.com.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/literature-articles/the-top-10-best-vampire-book-series-1217880.html

About the Author

I'm a freelance PHP and MySQL programmer living in the San Carlos neighborhood of San Diego with my wife and our 3 cats. I enjoy hiking, reading, gardening, watching too much television, and other nerdy activities.


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