Saturday, 15 September 2012

5 Steps Of Showering In Safety

5 Steps Of Showering In Safety

By Tom Croz

One of the easiest of places to get injuries while at home is the bathroom. Falls, slips, and scalds by hot water are some of the common injuries that can be experienced in the bathroom. It is not possible to prevent every accident, but precautionary measures can be applied to reduce the risks and maintain the safety of the shower room.

1. Floors

Quality shower enclosures are usually enhanced by a floor that is shiny and easy to clean. However, if the floor material is prone to causing slips when wet, then the risk of injury is maximized. Use of slip resistant floor material is one sure way of ensuring that bathroom falls are kept at a minimum. Bathroom showers usually spray water at a pressure, and at times, the water may spill out of the enclosure. This water should always be wiped after taking a shower, ensuring that the floor is dry at all times.

2. Steps

Some bathrooms have a step/stair that leads to the showering area or bathtub. These should not be present. One may stumble and hit their foot on the stair, leading to a forwards fall that may cause serious head injury, or even death. If the fall makes one unconscious, the time taken to notice the fall may be long as no one interrupts people when they are taking a shower. A big flat stone tab can be used in place of the stair, as this is safer.

3. Shower doors

The shower door should be shatter proof if it is made using glass. This prevents cutting and bruising caused if the door breaks. The door should always be designed to open out of the bathroom shower area, instead of opening in. This has the effect of easy access should anything happen.

4. Faucets

The faucets used should have temperature control to avoid scalding. Installation of temperature valves is important, just in case one forgets to properly set the water heat levels. The valves sense when the water is too hot and regulate it. Additionally, the water temperature control switches should be easily accessible and reaching out to them should always be avoided. The taps should have a safety smooth finish to avoid cuts on the head should one accidentally bump into them.

5. Electricity and water

Electricity and water never agree. A safe distance should always be maintained between water sources and electrical switches. The coming together of these two could cause electrocution and death, and greatly increase the risk of fire. Power sockets should be on the wall opposite to the one containing the pipes for water supply.

We provide the best info about Bathroom Showers and Quality Shower Enclosures. For further details please visit the provided links.

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