Saturday, 15 September 2012

5 Tips to Successfully Hire the Right Ghostwriter for Your Book

5 Tips to Successfully Hire the Right Ghostwriter for Your Book

By Phyllis Edson

Whether you're a successful entrepreneur who wants to write a book to share your knowledge or you just have an interesting story to tell and writing a book seems like an impossible task, consider hiring a ghostwriter to get the job done.

For a fee, a ghostwriter will do the writing for you and get the book done by your deadline. Ghostwriters can do as much or as little of the work as you want to pay them to do. Better yet, once the book is published, the ghostwriter is done and you collect all the royalties and get all the credit for writing the book.

If you're interested in hiring a ghostwriter to help get your book written and published, consider these 5 tips.

1) Know what you want. Think about what exactly you want the ghostwriter to do. Is the ghostwriter just editing what you've written? Is he researching the topic, writing every word, editing the manuscript and preparing it for electronic publication?

2) Decide on a budget. How much of the work you contract to have done may depend on your budget.

2) Think about how you want to work. While the ghostwriter will do most of the work, you will have to work together so he can interview you, get a feel for your voice, understand the project and more. Do you want to work remotely? Do you want someone who can meet with you in person on a regular basis?

3) Start researching. Go online and start researching ghostwriters. Find out how each one works. Look for how much they charge.

4) Start contacting them. Once you have it narrowed down, start contacting them. Talk to them by phone. Ask them how they like to work, what they charge, how they figure their charges and don't forget to ask for references.

5) Call the references. Be sure to do this. Find out what the ghostwriter was like to work with. Was he easy to work with? Did he stick with deadlines? Did he stick with the budget?

Once you've hired the ghostwriter, be sure to have a signed contract that protects both of you. Among other things, the contract should ensure that the copyright for the book passes on to you once complete payment has been made to the ghostwriter. It should also include a confidentiality clause that ensures the ghostwriter will never reveal he wrote your book. The contract should also specify that you, not the ghostwriter, receives all royalties from the sale of all copies of the book.

Hiring a ghostwriter will help ensure you get your book written and published. These 5 tips will help you find the right ghostwriter for you.

Freelance writer and published author Phyllis Edson offers a variety of writing services including ghostwriting, copy writing, content creation, blogging and more. Visit her website at

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