Pet Allergies - 5 Questions Answered
By Debbie Davis
If you have a warm-blooded pet that causes your body to go into overdrive with sneezing, coughing, and watering eyes, you are probably allergic to your pet. Knowing the answers to the following 5 questions can help you to sneeze less and enjoy your pet more.
Which pets are capable of causing allergies to flare? Generally symptoms are triggered by a protein in the dander, saliva, and urine of warm-blooded pets. These include birds, cats, dogs, ferrets, bunnies, and even pot-bellied pigs.
Dander is being continually shed as newer, healthier skin is formed and is available to go airborne constantly. This makes it easy to inhale and get into the lungs and bloodstream. If you have sensitivity to it, the body perceives it as a harmful substance and goes into overdrive to eject it.
Since urine and saliva contain the same allergen, once they dry it can escape into the air where it causes more havoc.
Does the length of hair make a difference? The short answer is no. Many opt for short-haired cats or dogs with very little hair. Hair is not the allergen, and even if it were, that wouldn't eliminate the protein in dried saliva, and urine.
Is there a way to limit pets' production of dander? Each pet is different and the amount of dander they produce is specific to their bodies. Bathing your pet regularly can wash away the loose dander before it has a chance to become airborne.
Consult a vet for the right products to use and the frequency that will keep your pet's skin healthy without drying it out. Drying out the skin for any reason can cause even more problems for both you and your pet.
How can you avoid dander? Basically you do this by having cold-blooded animals as pets. They include fish, lizards, frogs, snakes, and other reptiles that won't make you scream during the middle of the night if they escape their cage. There are literally no warm fuzzy hugs coming at you, but these creatures provide love without the dander!
How do your create a pet-free zone? The best area to have off-limits is the bedroom. A low dander count in this room where the most time will help you get a good night's sleep which can do nothing but increase your body's ability to cope with allergies during the day.
Establishing this off-limits zone as soon as pets are introduced to the family makes it nearly painless for all. A gate across the door or actually keeping the door closed will keep the message consistent for young pets.
However, retraining a pet that is used to having the full run of the house will take a little more patience and perseverance. You may find your approval ratings sink low in the eyes of your pet, but think of it as the better alternative to having to find a new home for your pet.
Create a comfortable alternative space with favorite toys, and a comfortable rug or bed. Reward your pet with great affection when it accepts its new sleeping quarters.
Can filtering the air reduce the dander count? It can absolutely help, not only with pet-related allergens, but with other more normal irritants that are found in every indoor space regardless of cleanliness.
An air cleaner with a HEPA or high-efficiency particle arresting air filter can remove airborne irritants as small as.3 microns in size. This will drastically reduce allergens of all types and help you get more enjoyment out of your pet and your life.
Remove pet dander and other allergens that trigger allergies with the Pet Dander Air Purifier from at
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