Some of the Best Relationship Quotes to Remember
By Jo Baker
I get a buzz out of reading relationship quotes and while most of them have a powerful message, some are just for fun. One of the things I looked for in my life partner was a sense of humor, as we get through a lot of what life flings at us much better when we can laugh.
Here are some funny ones that made my husband laugh aloud:
"What do you say to a man who has just had sex? Anything you like because he is asleep."
For guys, you will appreciate this (no offence ladies):
"What is the difference between a terrorist and a woman with PMS? - You can negotiate with a terrorist!"
On a more serious note, I would like to share some thought provoking quotes with you and where possible I have included the quote source.
This quote from Leo Buscaglia is one to remember, especially in our homes, as well as in our every contact with another human being:
"Too often we under estimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."
It is not always the big things in life that cause our relationships to break down. It is the accumulation of many little things. Likewise, many little things, like acts of random kindness, can cause relationships to flourish. Blaming others for our unhappiness never results in a change in our circumstances or truly makes us feel better. Martha Washington covered this quite nicely by saying, "I have learned from experience that a greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances." If you have heard about the Fish philosophy, it is all about choosing your attitude each day. That is what makes the difference between feeling miserable and feeling great!
One quotation that is both beautiful and sad is the one written by writer William Somerset Maugham on the subject of unrequited love.
"The love that lasts the longest is the love that is never returned."
Colin Powell probably wasn't thinking about love relationships when he said, "None of us can change our yesterdays, but we can all change our tomorrows." This saying is well worth remembering in our every day interaction with those around us, and especially with those we love most.
It is too easy to hold a grudge for no other reason than we have been affronted, but at the end of the day, we only end up hurting ourselves. Can we change something that happened yesterday? No. So let it go, forgive and forget it and get on with living today. If it is something that happens a lot then the issue or cause needs to be dealt with, but otherwise it benefits no one to remember it.
One of my favorite persons I read about was Helen Keller. She inspired me as she let nothing stand in her way. She was born deaf and blind and as much as her family loved her, they did not know how to help her themselves. They did have the foresight to find Helen the help she needed, as her desire was to learn and once started, she achieved much in her long life, more than many able-bodied people have. She said, "Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much."
She knew full well what that meant, as it took many people for her to become literate and able to communicate so eloquently with the "outside world." We can do more than just the sum of us when we combine our talents with those we love and within our families. Even little things like saying Thank you and I love you can make our relationships deeper and richer.
Finally, here is one last amazing quote from Mother Theresa, who "fed" her charges and nurtured them with more than just food.
"There is more hunger for love and appreciation in the world today than for bread."
Do not go a day without expressing your love and appreciation for those around you, especially your partner and family. Where would you be without them?
Thank you for sharing with me these relationship quotes, and may your day be the richer for them.
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