Wednesday, 12 September 2012

The Blood Group Diet Basics

The Blood Group Diet Basics

By Henrik A Jonsson

More than 30000 years ago, we were all hunters living rather primitive lives, on a diet that mostly consisted of meats and protein rich roots and plants. This had been our diet for thousands of years, and the human body was tuned in on this sort of diet.

As we evolved and learned the skills of agriculture, fishing and started trading foods, our bodies slowly changed to cope with the new and more diverse diet. This is basically the foundation of the blood group diet.

As humans gained access to a more diverse everyday menu, our blood types began to evolve into the 4 main groups, which we know today. What the blood group diet does is to divide the blood types into different diet groups, which tells us what we should eat, in order to provide the body with the type of foods, which it is actually tuned into.

For instance, the blood type O that were the first type, belongs to the hunters and a type O person should mostly eat protein rich foods such as meats. The type A is a later developed type that belongs to the agricultural societies. If you have this blood type, the blood group diet states that you should prioritize on eating vegetables and fruits. Preferably become a vegetarian, or at least stick to lean meats.

The type B is the nomad blood type, and tolerate a more diverse but simple diet, while the AB blood type is a rather young blood type. It is believed to be a combination of the A and B blood groups, however some mystery still surrounds this blood type.

Even though the blood group diet lacks both clinical test results and scientific proof, it has provided its followers with some remarkable results. Most people experience a higher level of energy and improved immune system, while overweight people experiences a loss of weight.

One of the more spectacular proofs of the effect of the blood group diet comes from Okinawa. The people of Okinawa are known for superior health and a long lifespan, and their secret has long been a mystery.

On Okinawa, the people has been involved in fishing and agriculture for thousands of years, and it is believed that their blood type and metabolism has perfected itself into this sort of diet. When combined with active living, tit provides a good overall health and a prolonged lifespan. The same health effect has been observed with isolated tribes throughout the world.

Whether Dr. Peter D Adamo is right or not is hard to say, but the results of the blood group diet are too good to ignore. Hopefully the future will reveal more about this exiting diet theory.

There are many unsolved questions of the blood group diet that still remains, but it does seem to work nonetheless and so there is no reason why you should not look more into the Blood Group Diet.

Kind regards,

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