Sunday, 30 June 2013

How to Cure White Spots on Skin

Author: Aisha Ahmed

The medical term for white spots on skin is vitiligo or leucoderma. It's a skin disease in which the skin loses its color due to some genetic or environmental causes. The white spots appear as patches of white skin without pigment.
White spots on skin are common in people who suffer from autoimmune diseases. One of these diseases is adrenocortical insufficiency. The adrenal gland is responsible for producing a hormone called corticosteroid. This disease occurs when there is a deficiency of this hormone in our body. Because of this reason the most common treatment as suggested by doctors for vitiligo is corticosteroid cream.
Another treatment for the cure of white spots on skin is exposure to sunlight for long durations of time or artificial phototherapy. Cells that are responsible for pigmentation become active when the skin if exposed to light.
Melanocytes are cells located in the skin that cause pigmentation. A recent advancement in the medical science has made it possible to transplant these cells from some other part of the body to the affected skin area. As a result of this transplantation vitiligo or white spots on skin can be completely cured.
Cosmetics can also be used to cover up the white spots. However, a medical treatment should be employed to control the disease as it may become widespread and uncontrollable. It should also be known that since this disease is inherited, it cannot be prevented. Because of this reason, a good and effective treatment is required in order to avoid psychological effects, frustration and embarrassment.
There are some other skin conditions or disorders in which the skin loses its color and becomes either of lighter or darker shade. Before using any of the treatments for vitiligo it is better to consult a dermatologist and confirm the symptoms.
Most of the time only topical treatments are suggested by doctors for skin disorders including vitiligo, acne and eczema. However, some oral pills may also be prescribed if the condition is severe.
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About the Author
I manage my online health related websites. The most important among these websites are how to lose weight fast and best and proven methods for teeth whitening. I also manage a website related to pandora jewelry.


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