QA Training: Ratio of Negative Test Scenarios
Author: smithThe ratio in which the negative test scenarios and positive scenarios must co-exist depends upon certain aspects like Domain. If domain is such critical that must be well taken care of then negative testing cycle must span along with positive testing cycle. The chances are that whatever areas have been covered once and bugs were not identified in that cycle can be easily covered via its counterpart. These Testing cycle can be well understood when one has taken QA Training. These clockwise and anti-clockwise testing cycles can make sure that all the normal flows and flows that could lead to probability of finding corner issues can be covered for maximum coverage. QA Training has comprehensive course coverage for testing cycles.The chances are that the 50%~ 50% ratio could lead to 100% test coverage. The what-if when prepared before-hand can save both time and effort. These negative scenarios when not handled in advance can be a cause of catastrophic failures as these were not tested previously. QA Training is one of most comprehensive courses that let no stone unturned.
The negative scenarios can answer the questions that what the software must not do.
There are two sets of user name and password combinations for successful login. This successful login must not happen if the credentials are swapped. Many other techniques can be mastered via QA Training.
- Username1:Password1 this combination must lead to a successful login
- Username1:Password2 this combination must lead to a successful login
When testing negative scenarios check for
- Username1:Password2 this combination must not lead to a successful login
- Username2:Password1 this combination must not lead to a successful login
Although each four are authenticated and valid as per software acceptance is concerned but in this case for wrong value pairs. Test scenarios are one of the focused course content that comes under QA Training.
These issues when handled and planned for testing coverage may reveal many loop holes and breaches.Right from the beginning when planning for testing these can be learnt via QA Training.For every clockwise positive testing cycle there must be one anti-clockwise negative testing cycle.Usually the software is tested well for the usual working behavior but not for the corner issues that's the point where things starts getting fragile. When a thorough test coverage is learned via Quality Assurance Training then there are very few chances that things will get shady.
There are various testing methods and techniques that are applicable to different stages and are suitable for different domains of a project. Which technique is applicable at what stage depends on knowledge as well experience these both can be learned via QA Training under the supervision of expert trainers.
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About the AuthorWe are Training has an affordable fee that also can be paid in installments. These courses can be attended onsite .We have classrooms at various locations for you to choose from. The course outline for this training is surely to choose for a bright career. The Quality Assurance Training promises for a guaranteed Job placement.
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