Thursday 6 September 2012

How to Create a Company Brand

How to Create a Company Brand

By Helen Maria Aldin

What is a brand?

Your brand tells your potential customers what they can expect from you as a company. Are you upbeat? Are you laid back? You need more than logo to create a brand. All of your marketing efforts should be consistent in portraying what the company looks like, how it sounds, and how it gains the trust of customers. It's everything bundled into one package, the brand. Follow these easy steps and you will be on your way to establishing your brand. Create your essence or DNA, analyze your who will the main people to buy your products, your target audience, choose a name for your company, have a logo created, create an urgency or need for your product.


Even if you know someone who is good at doing computer stuff, they may not know industry standards to create a professional graphic. Don't create your logo on your own. Leave this one to the professionals. When you create your marketing plan, you may have purchased billboard space. If someone doesn't know how to create an image that will keep its resolution as it is enlarged, it will appear blurry on the large space. This is not a good appeal for your company to display unprofessional graphics.

Your logo should be on all:

� letterhead

� brochures

� pamphlets

� business cards

� website

� email signatures

The same principal applies to your website.


You may hear in your head the slogan, "Built Ford Tough", or "Drive One." If you see something that looks close, but know it's not the same, your first thought will always be, "Hey they copied Ford." This one-line sales pitch should be short, catchy, and easy to remember. It is a grey area in the business code of ethics to mimic a slogan created by someone else. The more original you are about creating a slogan, the more your company and product will stand out.

Color Scheme

All the large corporations use two colors for the name and logo in all print ads. FedEx, Ford, Home Depot, Office Depot are just a few. Think about each company for a minute. FedEx is red and white. Ford is blue and white. Home Depot is orange and white. Office Depot is red and white. When it comes to marketing, colors will speak volumes about your business. Market research indicates that 90% of consumer purchases are the result of a deliberate search and that only 10% of purchases are made on impulse. And of those planned purchases, 60% of the decision to buy involves color. A color can invoke all kinds of emotions it is important to choose the right color for your business.

If you would like to know more about color meanings to help you decide on your colors or find out what you are saying about your business by choosing certain colors, I have included a site that covers it nicely.

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