Tuesday 4 September 2012

Shoulders and Joints Muscle Injuries

Shoulders and Joints Muscle Injuries

By Alexis Quinones

The shoulder is the most flexible joint that you have in your body. It moves in the most amount of different ways. Thus making shoulder injuries the most common joint injuries. When dealing with shoulder repair, it is preferable to try non-surgical methods of treating before trying surgical repairs. There are certain injuries that can affect your shoulder doctors can only diagnosis. So never try to diagnosis and treat shoulder injuries yourself.

One of the injuries that can affect your shoulder is shoulder instability which is when your shoulder dislocates from the socket. This is a very common injury and can occur from injury or overuse of the joint. The biggest problem with this injuries is once the shoulder dislocates it is very common for the problem to keep repeating itself. Shoulder Surgery is usually only used if the problem is very persistent or if the pain does not alleviate, but this problem is most commonly treated non surgically. Another common shoulder injury is a rotator cuff tear. The rotator cuff is a series of muscles and tendons that keep your humerus in place and also allow you to rotate your arm. When you have a muscle tear, shoulder surgery is usually recommend. However in certain conditions rotator cuff repair can be achieved by non-surgically treatments. Arthritis is one of the biggest enemies to your shoulder, and can cause a complete shoulder replacement surgery also known as total shoulder arthroplasty. During a shoulder replacement the surgeon will replace all the damaged bone and cartilage to virtually replace the joint. This procedure becomes necessary when all the other treatments for severe arthritis have failed to relieve the pain, and the range of motion is quite limited. Shoulder tendinitis can occur when there is much overuse or repetitive motion with the shoulder. Surgery can be needed depending on the severity and length of time you have had the injury.

Learning that you will need shoulder surgery can be a very scary event in your life. However their are many advancements in modern technology that can make the surgery a lot easier on your surgeon, yourself, and your body. Shoulder arthroscopy is a type of shoulder surgery that use a very tiny camera, known as an arthroscope, inserted into your shoulder to help repair the muscle tissue and joint. Recovery time after your surgery has also improved with some people being back to normally activities after just one week of time. After most surgeries you will have to wear a sling for a certain period of time and take medication to help relieve your pain for awhile as well. With all these advancements in surgery techniques more people are putting their minds at ease when going under the knife.

For more First Aid and information please visit, http://first-aid-talk.com/.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alexis_Quinones



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