Wednesday 15 August 2012

7 Signs He is Interested

Author: Marie-Claire Smith

Are you actively flirting with a guy you see frequently but having trouble knowing for sure whether he might want to get together? It can be frustrating not knowing whether he may feel the same way as you do. Wouldn't it be great to be able to read his mind? While that may not be possible, there are a number of telltale signs that he is probably very interested. Here are 7 of those signs:

Sign #1: He uses your name often when he speaks to you: If he likes you, your name is literally music to his ears and he will want to say it often. It makes him feel good to say your name.

Sign #2: He tends to brush up against or touch you: Those little innocent brushes in the hallway or light touches on the shoulder at your desk are not by accident. They are ways of being closer to you and are a prelude to more intimate physical touching.

Sign #3: He ignores you at odd times: If he is unsure about how you feel about him, he may actually try ignoring you at certain times. He may be nervous about what to say, or he could be afraid that you will catch a glimpse in his eyes of how he really feels about you.

Sign #4: You are good friends but he avoids talking about his love life: If you two are friends but he wants more, he may conspicuously avoid telling you about whom he is dating or he may leave key details out. This is a classic sign that he is trying to protect your feelings and also that he is trying not hamper the possibility of dating you in the future.

Sign #5: He tends to ignore other women when you are around: For example, if there are three attractive women in the room and he is giving you by far the most attention, that is a huge sign that he likes you.

Sign #6: He looks for your reaction first when he tells a joke: If you are in a group situation and he tells what he thinks is a funny joke, he will give his first eye contact after the punch line to the person on whom he has a crush.

Sign #7: His close friends ask you about whom you are dating: Do you find that his friends have asked you about your love life? They may be trying to find out more information and then feeding it back to him so that he can stay informed.

Once you know are fairly sure that he likes you, it is time to take action. Put together a step-by-step plan for getting him to fall for you.
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