Saturday, 15 September 2012

The Habit of a Habit: Living "Staged"

The Habit of a Habit: Living "Staged"

By Rhonda McNett

I totally enjoy sharing my little bits and pieces with you each month, and judging from the responses I receive, so do you. I'm thrilled to continue on this path of sharing and letting you know a bit more about me, my silliness, my thoughts on life's issues and, particularly, organizing woes and successes. Yep, I'm just another being on this planet and thus I try to remember that we are "human beings" and not "human doings," in search of that sense of balance we are all striving for.

You may or may not know that we have been trying to sell our home for what seems like eons. In the ongoing housing market of foreclosures and short sales, in spite of continuing low interest rates, we haven't had any luck. Since we aren't in those sorts of dire straights, however, we don't need to have a "fire sale" which would afford a quick turnover. So, we live "staged," a realtor's term meaning that we are ready to have our home ready for a showing at the drop of a hat - and many times it IS just about that quickly!

Living in this manner has been a testament to living "by rote," by habit. We do things without even thinking anymore so the house and our grounds are pretty well maxed out at any point in time. The shower is dried completely after each use - no water spots that way. No spots on the mirrors and light bulbs even get dusted regularly. The bed is always made - if the "bed police" come, we're ready! Dishes are always in the dishwasher - nothing looks tackier than a sink full. We have to think before getting involved with a project, like laundry or lawn moving - if someone wants to look at the house, can't be in the middle of those messes.

It's not like we're trying to curb natural tendencies to be slobs or something, but wouldn't it be nice sometimes to just let something be and get to it... later? Life is most certainly more orderly this way, but the spontaneity sure goes out of it a bit when you're always "waiting for company!" With this in mind, please let me share a process which will assist you in living habitually. Then, if required to do so, it will be easy with a little planning:

  • Prepare: Envision what you want the space or the event to look like. What's the goal you have in mind? You can't get from Point A to Point B without a road map, so know where you want to go. List and prioritize what needs to be done to reach your vision. Above all else, get the "start date" on the calendar to give your project credence - this also makes you more accountable for completion!

  • Launch into Action: Look at your calendar and keep your promise to yourself. If you need to reschedule, be sure to note an alternative date - don't just let your project slide into oblivion. Make sure you have on hand what you need for your project - do an inventory and maybe a quick shopping trip (but only for what you need!). Organize your plan of action - you knew I'd get 'organizing' in here, didn't you? Proceed accordingly!

  • Accept and Adapt: Short and sweet, but also the most difficult. Be ready to switch gears as the need arises. Remember that who you are and what works for you changes over time, as you change!

  • N-Joy: Ah, yes, a bit of a stretch here, but, hey - it works! Take a deep breath and relax; tie your vision to your reality; celebrate your organizational achievements and reward yourself for a job well done! Then, get the next project on the calendar and n-joy that warm feeling of success and the energy it provides.

Phew! Not really daunting at all, once there is a PLAN to it, right? This is the sort of preparation, engagement and follow-through that allows you to form the great organizing habits that let you get everything done you need to and provide a bit of left-over time to enjoy life!

We'll continue to live "staged" as we currently are for some time to come apparently, the market being what it is, but because of these habits, we can now whip this place into shape in about 30 minutes time. Oh, by the way... know anyone who wants to buy a beautiful log home?

As a professional organizing consultant for over 5 years, Rhonda can help you with heartfelt support and training. YOU can learn organizing skills and processes yourself, and Rhonda's experience will point you in the right direction. As a Golden Circle member of the National Association of Professional Organizers and a certified trainer with The GO System, you are in great hands with her! Discover more at, where Rhonda McNett and Sensible Organizing Strategies can assist you in finding the peace and harmony that are hiding in your home and office!

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