Monday 24 December 2012

How To Stockpile Food For Survival Of An Economic Collapse

How To Stockpile Food For Survival Of An Economic Collapse

By Mike Kuykendall

If you want to learn how to stockpile food to guarantee survival after an economic collapse, there is a lot of information on the web about what to do. However, most of that information comes from the people who would sell you the food for your stockpile.

The bad news is that the marketing efforts of "Survival Foods" companies have been so pervasive and successful that they have affected the way people think. They have created a need and molded peoples' thinking about the solution.

The fact is that if you want to stockpile food, you won't get very far unless you are willing to spend quite a lot of money. Survival food is expensive, although the price goes down when the quantity you buy goes up.

The food stockpile that you wish you had will do you no good in an economic collapse; only the food that you have actually completed stockpiling will help you.

For this reason, it is critical that you start a food stockpiling plan that is economical and easy to do. Otherwise, you are defeated before you start and you end up doing nothing.

The first step to stockpiling food is to just double up on all the non-perishable foods that you buy each week. Your pantry should grow until in 6 weeks, you have an extra six weeks worth of food.

For the perishable items, especially once your freezer is overflowing, substitute non-perishable replacements. For instance, dry milk stored for your stockpile can be bought alongside the gallon of milk you use this week. Canned veggies can be put up to match your frozen veggies.

If you do this, you will be farther ahead than 80% of Americans who are not stockpiling food. The money that is sitting in your pantry in the form of food will appreciate at 5-10%, which is the rate of food inflation, and that is a great investment.

While you're at it, consider that an economic collapse will mean that you need to be prepared for more than just eating. Lessons from other major countries who have experienced economic collapse teach us that rolling blackouts, power outages and civil unrest are common.

So plan for a crisis when you are either in the dark or stranded away from home for a day or two unable to get back.

By the way, do you want to discover the 3 steps you can take RIGHT NOW to prepare for a power outage? If so, download my free MP3 HERE.

And to learn what 5 things you should always have in your car, you can go HERE.

Mike Kuykendall, Prepping Consultant

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